Warming Our Communities

Autumn Chalabala, Director, Business Operations, who is a board member of the Dover Boys & Girls Club organized a successful virtual winter coat drive in January for the local organization.
As an active board member of the Dover Boys & Girls Club, Autumn noticed that many of the children did not have winter coats. Utilizing social media, Autumn developed a community outreach campaign throughout Kent and Sussex Counties in Delaware that requested donations to be placed in bags or boxes on the front porch of residences or by the main door of businesses for pick up. This contact-free volunteer event exceeded the target, raising more than 100 coats and 500 articles of clothing.
“I had set the goal originally just based off of what I could collect last year before COVID-19. Facing new challenges, I actually wasn’t expecting to meet my goal. However, once I posted an ad on Facebook Marketplace, I was inundated with support from friends and strangers,” said Autumn.