EDI Wise – Informs and Inspires

The EDI Council’s Education Subcommittee launched EDI Wise, monthly webinar meetings to promote awareness of equity, diversity and inclusion as aligned to our workplace culture and to encourage our employees to make a difference. The first meeting, An EDI Primer, reinforced the EDI Council’s structure and mission, defined equity, diversity and inclusion and the collective strength of these components, while sharing some of the various benefits of EDI for individuals and our organization.
Please see the below message from the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Council – Education Subcommittee and check out the presentation, featuring a dynamic video #InclusionstartswithI.
The mission of the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Council is that our team will reflect the communities that we serve and our commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion will drive our business strategies, policies and procedures, individual development and community outreach. One of the goals of the EDI Council is to promote a culture of understanding, equality and inclusion through education, communication, support and development.
In furtherance of that goal, this week we are launching “EDI Wise” – monthly virtual meetings brought to you by the Education Subcommittee of the EDI Council to help reinforce our strong culture that promotes integrity, accountability, and reliability. EDI Wise also will bolster our endeavors to cultivate an enhanced workplace comprised of diverse individuals, who work collaboratively across the Company and will emphasize that each employee at Chesapeake Utilities is a valued member of our team bringing diverse attributes, talents, perspectives, and ideas to help achieve their individual development and Company goals.
These meetings will be held on the last Wednesday of every month at 8:30 a.m. All attendees will be entered into a drawing for a prize, and those entries will be rolled over into larger quarterly and annual drawings, so we hope you will join us
To view the recorded presentation, featuring a dynamic video #inclusionstartswithI, please visit our employee app, CaresConnect, and check out the entry for EDI Wise: An EDI Primer Webinar Recording – July 29, 2020.
Lindsay Orr, Jackie Mayan, Tamara Wimberly and Melanie Ryder
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Council – Education Subcommittee