As the distinguished chairperson of the conference, Greg Robinson, Director of Corporate Security, presented the opening remarks at the conference as well as conducted many of the conference’s workshops.


Greg Robinson, Director of Corporate Security, was invited to serve as chairperson and keynote speaker for the Chief Security Officer (CSO) Executive Summit on “Safety and Security at Public Facilities and Events” in Sydney, Australia.

As Director of Corporate Security, Greg is responsible for executive protection, corporate security, physical security systems, government intelligence coordination and development of Chesapeake’s security department. With more than 20 years of global security experience, leadership and knowledge with the U.S. Army and the National Basketball Association, Greg is a sought-after speaker and facilitator.

The summit panel of speakers consisted of recognized domestic and international security experts and leaders from the National Football League, Sydney Opera House, Australian Grand Prix, Sydney Cricket & Sports Ground Trust, Crowd Matters Ltd, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet and Ambulance Service NSW.

Greg presented on applying a risk management framework to address and prevent unpredictable safety and security threats to better prepare and remain resilient during potential business disruptions. Greg discussed designing security programs that incorporate personnel, processes, and technology to mitigate threats. He also spoke on the emerging role of the CSO. Greg shared how the CSO’s role used to only involve guns, gates and badges. Now the focus is on protecting the business by integration of new technology, leveraging industry best practices; legal and regulatory consideration; and understanding the business operations regardless of the industry and continuous involvement in the business risk management process.

The application of this risk management approach is exactly aligned to Greg’s role at Chesapeake which includes the protection of Chesapeake’s infrastructure. Many organizations in the energy sector are faced with a common threat of asymmetrical attacks from cyber intruders, criminals and terrorists. Greg also discussed ways to mitigate risk and potential liability resulting from acts of terrorism.

This comprehensive CSO summit enabled senior level participants to collaborate in an engaging setting to explore best practices, shape security standards for their organization, grow professionally, prepare for change and leverage emerging technology in today’s security industry. Attendees also shared insight on tools, on the emerging role of the CSO, methodologies and developing trends such as open source intelligence systems, cyber-physical security convergence, public venue risks, anti-terrorism program and most importantly the protection of large gatherings of people.

Greg ended the summit with the message that integration of technology is essential to combatting the threat and protecting assets. The next vital element is to leverage available resources and build relationships and partnerships internally and externally to your organization.

“A key takeway is to design security programs hand-in-hand with business unit operations regardless of the industry, and to align your programs with the organization’s long-term goals and strategic growth,” said Greg. “Do not overlook the significance of a mature yet flexible risk management process to plan, prevent and respond to unexpected incidents and emergencies.”