How to Create an ERG

Through our EDI initiative, the EDI Council introduced Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). ERGs are employee identity or experience-based groups that are led by employees. The purpose of ERGs is to build value, provide support and contribute to personal and professional development for our employees. Establishing a strong Employee Resource Group Program is a step closer toward an inclusive Company culture.
“Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) can impact more than just the group’s members. Not only can they be a voice for our workforce, but they can advocate for our Company in the community as well. These groups are more than just a social group or outlet. They are created with purpose and all are to related programming, events and community initiatives designed to be meaningful for both our employees and the Company.
Our first ERG, Women in Energy, was formed in 2017. Since then, we’ve championed, launched and socialized five additional groups: SPARC (Support, Promote, Attract, Retain, and Connect), The Veterans Resource Group, The Black Employee Network (BEN), The Wisdom Seekers & Sharers, and EPIC (Equal Parts of Inclusive Cultures), which serves as the Company’s multicultural ERG. These groups are as much about inclusion as they are about diversity, and because inclusion isn’t just meant for members with similar backgrounds, our groups are open to everyone. Allies are a vital part of our ERGs. Thus, you don’t have to be a member of a particular demographic to be a member of a group. The key to ERG success is getting our employees to understand the experiences of others. The goal is to give our employees, who often don’t share similar experiences, the opportunity to learn about groups that are different from themselves.”
Kira Lake,
Director, Growth & Retention
If you’d like more information about joining an existing ERG or creating a new one, please reach out to the EDI Council, [email protected].
Learn more about the significance of Employee Resources Groups by viewing the EDI Wise session, How to Create an ERG, presented by Kira Lake, Director, Growth & Retention.